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The great work that teacher Anand Sir has done is that his biopic along with actress Hrithik Roshan will be released soon.

The students who have not heard stories of hard work for the upliftment of economically weaker sections of Anand Sir, have done the divine work accomplished by them.



Anand Kumar is an Indian mathematician and columnist who has been brought to Patna, Bihar. He is well-known for his super 30 class which he started in Patna, Bihar. He prepares economically backward students for IIT-JEE for the entrance examination of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
As the son of the post office clerk, he studied in the Government School of Hindi medium, where he recovered his deep interest in mathematics. During graduation, he presented papers on number theory.

Although Anand got admission in Cambridge University, but due to the death of his father and his monetary status, he could not refuse to study there. Kumar studied mathematics during the day and sold his father in the evening to earn bread and butter for his family. To earn extra money, he mentioned students in mathematics.

Since there were no foreign journals in Patna University's library, for their own studies, they used to go on a six-hour train trip to Varanasi at the end of each week, where their younger brother, N. Violin under Rajam was learning, there was a hostel room. In this way he used to spend on Saturday and Sunday at the Central Library, BHU and would return to Patna on Monday morning.

Super 30

He rented an ordeal for 500 rupees a month and started his own institute from Ramanujam School of Mathematics (RSM). Within the space of the year, his class increased from two students to thirty-six, and after about three years about 500 students were enrolled. Then in the beginning of 2000, when a poor student came to take coaching for IIT-JEE, which could not pay the annual entrance fee due to poverty, Kumar was encouraged to start the Super 30 program in 2003, whose She is fine now - to know.

Every year in August, since 2003, Ramanujan School of Mathematics conducts a competitive examination to select 30 students for a Trust, students Super 30 'scheme. Approximately 4,000 to 5,000 students are present in the examination, and ultimately they take thirty intelligent students of financially backward classes, including beggars, hawkers, auto drivers, tutors, and study materials for one year. And provide accommodation. He prepares them for the Joint Entrance Examination for Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). His mother, Jayanti Devi, cooks for students, and his brother Pranav Kumar takes care of management.

Of the 236 students from 2002-2011, 236 students took admission in IIT. All came from such a poor background that their parents were workers, auto drivers, laborers, etc. During 2003-2009, 182 out of 210 students entered the IIT. In 2010, all students of Super 30 made IIT JEE admission form three in line for the institute.

The work of bliss is now well received from the whole world. President Obama of USA read about Anand in Time Magazine and sent a special envoy to investigate the work done by him and offered all help and enjoyment never accepts for the help of the helper.
The Discovery Channel broadcast an hour-long program on Super 30, and half the page was dedicated to Kumar in The New York Times.

To quote Anand on Business Strategy, "Start the business with whatever money you have and try to avoid getting help from people. Even I never received any monetary help from anyone, I was getting offers from the government of Bihar, not only from the big business tycoons. While I am grateful to all those who have contacted me with the help I am happy with the way I am - chasing my love for mathematics.

Read their mission:
The main objective of Super 30 is to track the talented flock of students of economically weaker sections and to improve their skills by providing a friendly environment. Talent knows no boundaries. it is everywhere. Everyone needs to recognize talent and cherish it to flourish. Super 30 has done just that in the past six years and the results have been encouraging. Talented students have been given quality education and an open environment to showcase their potential.
Students should not be disabled with the financial constraints of their families. If they have this, then Super 30 is there to guide them where they are, but can not reach for the desire for resources.

The Mission of Super 30 is to help more and more students of economically poor sections reach the IIT.
ANAND KUMAR BIOPIC - SUPER 30 ANAND KUMAR BIOPIC - SUPER 30 Reviewed by Aman Maurya on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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