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How did PUBG become so popular?

How did PUBG become so popular?

How did PUBG become so popular?,PUBG UPDATE,PUBG 2019


Here are some factors:

Players Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) was launched in December 2017 but it became more popular after April-May 2018.

 PUBG mobile was derived from PUBG, which was already loved by the players. It gave a perfect battlefield game without compromising the graphics, the game, and the controls. It was quite similar.

Completely free:

PUBG was a paid game until it was released for Android and remained completely free. From now on, the game became popular and the highest collection in the Google game store.

Also read: Best PUBG tip to win a Solo vs Squad - 2019

Cheap and fast Internet: 

If you look carefully, people used to spend 1 GB of data per month. Now, Jio has made it possible to have 1-1.5 GB of data per day. All the other teenagers have a smartphone and data loaded into their phone.

Discussions in the game: 

The ability to converse with teammates while playing is one of the most beloved characteristics. A typical group of friends consists of 3 to 4 members and this game allows them to organize and enjoy together while they talk.

Too easy to play: 

If you compare PUBG mobile with the actual PUBG, it is very simple but with effective functions. This increases confidence and increases the player's interest. The controls are well organized.


This is an important reason. Everyone is talking about PUBG today. Each YouTuber is transmitting the same game. Each corner is occupied by squads competing.

CarryisLive is the largest YouTube gaming channel in India. When he was broadcasting PUBG mobile for the first time, he broke all records, as 40K subscribers were watching it live.

Also read: Season 7 of PUBG leaks-every play must know

How did PUBG become so popular? How did PUBG become so popular? Reviewed by Aman Maurya on May 12, 2019 Rating: 5
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